A-STAR | The Guiro

The Guiro is hand held percussive instrument that is as popular in the classroom as it is in Latin-American music. the sound is created by the vibrations the player makes when dragging the beater over the ridges of the instrument. Being so easy to use it's a popular choice in both primary and secondary schools.

The A-Star selection of percussion is known for its pleasant sound an robust build. With a variety of sizes there is something suitable for every age range.


Fish Guiros

Unique Fish Design

Supplied with a beater

Length: 32cm (41cm) Diameter: 7cm (7cm)

FROM £9.50


Tone Block Guiro

Smooth, comfortable handle

Beater length: 17.5cm

Length: 19cm Diameter: 4cm



Small Hands Guiro

Bright design

Made of light, robust plastic

Length: 22cm Width: 7cm



Wooden Shaker Guiro

Dual purpose

Beater included

Length: 14cm Diameter: 4cm



Looking for something else? No problem!

We can create bespoke packs, perfect for any sized class.
Just email education@normans.co.uk to find out more.
*Prices and packs correct as of July 2020