When beginning to play finding the perfect Cornet mouthpiece can be a bit of a minefield. Below are some of the key main mouthpieces and their key features.

Montreux 4B Cornet Mouthpiece – SM01CNT
- The SM01CNT is a perfect mouthpiece for the player who’s just starting out. It has been inspired by Denis Wick’s most popular mouthpiece, the DW5881 4B.
- Giving rounded tonal quality as well as fair support within a normal range this is the perfect all rounder.
- For £12.00 you can be assured you are getting value for your money and picking up a great find!
Denis Wick 4B Cornet Mouthpiece – DW5881 4B
- This mouthpiece is Denis Wick’s best-selling one worldwide. Something which comes as no surprise as it is quite possibly the perfect cornet mouthpiece.
- It’s been expertly designed to help the player create a beautiful mellow tone. Which is exactly what you want to achieve with your cornet whilst still allowing the player to play well into the higher register.
- It’s as well rounded as you can get in a mouthpiece and is definitely worth its price tag.
- On top of this, you have the assurance of the Denis Wick name, meaning you know you have a mouthpiece that will last for years.
Denis Wick 5B Cornet Mouthpiece – DW5881 5B
- Again, similar to the 4B however this particular model boasts a slightly shallower bore.
- This will aid the performer in reaching into the higher register, in return it can slightly hinder your tone, which is why this is recommended again for the more experienced player who naturally produces a quality tone.
- It is best suited to an intermediate - experienced played who is still working on their upper range.
- If you fall under this category then your tone slower in quality at all, making this the perfect mouthpiece for you. Great for soloists who perform predominantly in the upper register.
All in all
Finger crossed you've found this useful. For the beginners among you I'd suggest starting with the Sonata then making an investment in the Denis Wick range. They really can make all the difference in expanding your range and perfecting your tone.
If you need help choosing email us at sales@normans.co.uk or give us a call on 01283 535333. We're more than happy to help.