Winner of ‘Best Music Resource’ in the 2018 Teach Primary Awards, the pBuzz KS1 Curriculum is a complete resource for teaching music to Years 1 and 2 as a non-specialist. Provided free when you purchase a pBuzz Education Bundle, the curriculum was written by the team at Music Education Solutions on behalf of Warwick Music Group (inventors of the pBuzz), and features specially-composed music, detailed lesson plans, teacher support videos, assessment frameworks, and more! The curriculum explores music of different traditions through performing, listening, composing and improvising activities. They are delivered through a topic-based approach to learning. Featuring topics such as ‘Superheroes’, ‘Down on the Farm’ and ‘Space Mission’, these lessons will inspire the youngest of pupils to make music.
Training through Skype...
The pBuzz KS1 curriculum was designed to help improve teacher confidence when teaching music. Results of a pilot research project showed that 71% of respondents experienced an increase in their confidence. This is the result of working with the curriculum. However, there is always room for improvement. The team at Music Education Solutions recognised that some teachers would benefit from training in how to deliver the curriculum. With school budgets being tight, and teachers’ being time limited, the decision was made to deliver Training Sessions through Skype! This gives all the benefits and interactivity of a face-to-face session, but costs just £69.95!
Music Education Solutions hopes that this new Skype training package will help teachers everywhere to feel more confident about teaching music. And to get the most from the free curriculum scheme, and their pBuzzes!