Yamaha Keyboards for Schools are renowned across the country for providing an engaging and simple way of learning how to play. With a range of different models available, there is a keyboard out there for every school. Why not provide the best experience in music lessons?
Check out our full range of Yamaha Keyboards: Here
Primary School Options
Learning a new instrument at primary school is very beneficial. The student can take your lessons with them whilst progressing through the school years. A very popular keyboard we find is the YPT260. One of the cheaper, more affordable models, this has a range of enticing features which are designed to engage and inspire children. Due to them being designed for amateur players, they are very simple to operate. They are also highly engaging as they have a range of instrument voices/styles to play with. Explore different genres of music, from rock and roll to swing and jazz! We are confident that students will take full advantage of having such excellent instruments at their fingertips!

Secondary School Options
I would suggest something a little bit more advanced for the older student. The PSRE463 would be a perfect choice, as one of the most noticeable improvements is the ‘touch sensitive’ keys. This is a skill that can be a little bit more challenging to master, and so is why Yamaha have invested so many years into making keyboards of this level. Alongside that, you get a much wider selection of accompaniment styles and instrument voices to sample, as well as specialist recording setting to monitor your progress. These can be easily connected to computers for additional recording/editing, thanks to the multiple different inputs on the back of the unit.