When it comes to choosing an outstanding Trumpet, your key focus must be quality. Quality of materials, quality of construction, quality of sound, and quality of the attention to every small design detail. If you can tick all of these boxes, you've found the ideal instrument. Probably one of our Yamaha Trumpets? Look no further! Yamaha, after many decades of producing the worlds most revered instruments, have an outstanding range of suitable trumpets. They are all available at
Normans Musical Instruments at great prices. In this article I will explain the key differences of the most popular Student/Intermediate Yamaha Trumpets. The outstanding and reliable
YTR3335 and the
YTR4335 Yamaha Trumpets.

There have been many ‘debates’ with brass musicians regarding how the finish of an instrument affects the tone and articulation. In my experience and opinion, there is very little noticeable difference. I did find that a silver-plated finish was ever so slightly more resistant to the sound production. It was however equally able to project and produce a perfect tone, and was more resistant to scratches and blemishing. The choice is simply one of aesthetics; which do you prefer? Some bands insist on all musicians playing silver instruments, others don’t. Over the years, with modern plating techniques improving, both options are musically rewarding in equal measure.
Bell & Lead Pipe Brass Alloy
Yamaha Trumpets are available in two brass alloy options. Yellow Brass alloy has a ratio of 70% copper/30% zinc, whereas Gold Brass has 85% copper/15% zinc. ‘So what’ I hear you think? Well, I can assure you that it does make a difference. The yellow brass alloy is the industry standard. If an instrument spec doesn’t specify, then you can confidently assume it’s yellow brass. This is a very resonant alloy which produces a bright and direct tone that ‘cuts through’, making it perfect for those trumpet fanfares, lead Trumpet parts of all John Williams pieces, and ‘screaming’ Big Band ‘show-offs’ (you know who you are)!! The Gold Brass alloy has a slightly darker colour and mellowed tone, due to the higher copper content. This gives the instrument a broader, fuller tone whilst still retaining a good level of projection. This is the preferred choice of many top trumpeters.
Standard Leadpipe

The leadpipe of a trumpet, or the section of tubing that runs from the mouthpiece to the first tuning slide, is usually about eight inches long and has a very distinct purpose: to help with control of airflow and accuracy of pitch. Since the tuning slide fits into the leadpipe on trumpets with standard leadpipes, instead of the other way around, players may notice slightly more resistance when comparing the two. This configuration will offer a
louder projection with possibly
less distortion.
Typically longer than non-reverse leadpipes, a reverse leadpipe slides into the tuning slide so there is no narrowing of the tube by the edge of the slide, just an expansion. The result is
slightly less resistance, and an elimination of any air push back at the intersection of the leadpipe and the tuning slide. Players who prefer reverse leadpipes tend to do so for the
control over tone and intonation they offer. Ultimately, choosing between reverse leadpipe and non-reverse leadpipe configurations is purely dependent on you and your own personal preferences. With a good embouchure, diaphragmatic control and technique you will find that the difference is minimal. Practice makes perfect!

To aid the younger player, Yamaha has removed the brace on the
YTR2330 Trumpet. Again, this small adjustment reduces the weight, similar to a F1 racing car being stripped back, allowing for a more agile performance and more comfortable position as the laps (lips!) progress. Wave the chequered winners flag! When the brace is put back on, in the
YTR3335 &
YTR4335 models, the weight is marginally increased, but so is the strength around the tuning slide. These Yamaha Trumpets offer the more mature player a strong and reliable method of altering their intonation with ease.
The Key Specifications
Below is the key specifications of each model, and the subtle, yet vitally important differences between them. All the models below come with the Yamaha TR-11B4 mouthpiece, they have a bell diameter of 123 mm and a bore of 11.65mm Medium/Large.

Finish: Gold Lacquer
Bell Alloy: Yellow Brass
Lead Pipe Alloy: Yellow Brass
Lead Pipe Configuration: Standard
Weight: Medium/Light
Other Information: Compact gig-bag. No brace on tuning slide. Adjustable 3rd valve ring.
Finish: Silver-plated
Bell Alloy: Yellow Brass
Lead Pipe Alloy: Yellow Brass
Lead Pipe Configuration: Standard
Weight: Medium/Light
Other Information: Compact gig-bag. No brace on tuning slide. Adjustable 3rd valve ring.
Finish: Gold Lacquer
Bell Alloy: Yellow Brass
Lead Pipe Alloy: Yellow Brass
Lead Pipe Configuration: Reversed
Weight: Medium
Other Information: Hard, back-pack style case. Brace on main tuning slide. Adjustable 3rd valve ring.
Finish: Silver-plated
Bell Alloy: Yellow Brass
Lead Pipe Alloy: Yellow Brass
Lead Pipe Configuration: Reversed
Weight: Medium
Other Information: Hard, back-pack style case. Brace on main tuning slide. Adjustable 3rd valve ring.
Finish: Gold Lacquer
Bell Alloy: Gold Brass
Lead Pipe Alloy: Gold Brass
Lead Pipe Configuration: Standard
Weight: Medium
Other Information: Hard, back-pack style case. Brace on main tuning slide. Adjustable 3rd valve ring.
Finish: Silver-plated
Bell Alloy: Gold Brass
Lead Pipe Alloy: Gold Brass
Lead Pipe Configuration: Standard
Weight: Medium
Other Information: Hard, back-pack style case. Brace on main tuning slide. Adjustable 3rd valve ring.
As I mentioned at the start of the article, Yamaha’s attention to detail is what makes Yamaha Trumpets some of the most highly sought after and played around the world. The subtle differences between the models appear at first minimal, but all these small improvements impact on the amazing playability and sound quality that can be achieved. You will not find a better Trumpet for under £1000 than the
YTR4335…………and our cost is under £550 for the lacquer-finished model! It’s not always easy choosing a new instrument? Here at Normans Musical Instruments, we encourage our customers to discuss their needs with one of our specialist instrument advisers on the sales team. If you are available, please pop in to our showroom and our
Yamaha demonstration suite to have a ‘blow’ of the Yamaha Trumpets to see which you feel most comfortable with. I guarantee, you will find the Trumpet of your dreams!