
Normans Education Sustainability Policy

Our Commitment to a Sustainable Future

We recognise the importance of sustainability in ensuring a healthier planet for future generations and are committed to taking the necessary steps to minimise our environmental impact. This policy outlines our sustainability commitments and the actions we are taking to meet them.

1. Climate Action Commitments
We have committed through the SME Climate Hub to halve our greenhouse gas emissions before 2030 and achieve Net Zero emissions by 2050. To meet these targets, we are implementing carbon accounting practices to measure, monitor, and systematically reduce our emissions across all areas of our business.
2. Staff Engagement, Education and Support
We are committed to providing Carbon Literacy Training to ensure everyone in our organisation understands the importance of sustainability and has the knowledge to make informed decisions that contribute to our business wide climate goals. An accredited Living Wage employer, we support the wellbeing of our team, encouraging a healthy lifestyle with good work/life balance.  
3. Sustainable Operations
By calculating and monitoring our carbon emissions we can gradually reduce them to meet our pledges. We are identifying key areas throughout our operations where we can make impactful changes to improve the sustainability of our processes and limit our environmental impact. We have established an internal ‘green team’ tasked with driving sustainable change, such as efficient use of renewable energy, improving waste recycling and reducing single use plastics.
4. Responsible Supply Chain Management
We are working proactively with our suppliers to reduce emissions within our supply chain. By choosing partners who share our commitment to sustainability, we aim to amplify our impact beyond our own operations.
5. Investment in Nature-Based Solutions
In addition to reducing our own emissions, we have partnered with to support and invest in nature-based solutions that remove carbon, restore biodiversity, and enhance the livelihoods of communities. This partnership reflects our belief that sustainability is not just about reducing our impact but also about actively contributing to the regeneration of our planet.
6. Continuous Improvement
We recognise that sustainability is a journey and regularly review and update our practices, setting new goals as we progress. We believe that by integrating sustainability into every aspect of our business, we can make a meaningful contribution to the global effort to combat climate change while ensuring the long-term success of our company and the well-being of our planet.
Andy McKeown
Date: 1st May 2024
Please visit our dedicated Sustainability page for further information.